Monday 22 October 2012

Jae Hee releases official statement regarding the secret marriage and son

As previously reported, Jae Hee and his agency have now issued an official statement on the rumors reported earlier about the actor being involved in a secret relationship and being a father to a one year old son.
Through a statement released by the agency, the actor stated, “It is true that I have a son and a wife. I’m leading a happy married life… The portion about us not being legally married is not true. I have completed the marriage registration as well as registration for my child’s birth.”
“It’s true I’m living with the woman I love but rather than calling it a ‘secret’, the correct term would be ‘unrevealed marriage’”, he continued.
He further stated, “Because I thought it was a private matter, I didn’t think to tell those around me so the term ‘secret marriage’ doesn’t fit… We have nothing to be ashamed about and I’m living a happy life with a person who has been a big source of strength when I was going through difficult times. Rather than wanting to hide it, I just simply wanted to protect someone precious to me because she is an ordinary person (non-celebrity).”

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