Wednesday 24 October 2012

As the first Korean artist won the British music charts, Oxford University invited Psy to the speech!

November 7, Psy boarded the auditorium of the University of Oxford, and students together to talk about why [Jiangnan Style] so away workers, the performances by the University of Oxford, Oxford Union debating society invited the current president is a the Korean The president is also the first president of Korean nationality.

Oxford University has invited many well-known speeches, including the Queen of England, former British Prime Minister, Michael Jackson (Michael Jackson) ... Psy is second in Korean speech to the Oxford students a 3C brand Samsung's CEO.

After the global explosion of red, Psy be signed into the same brokerage firm with record companies with Justin Bieber (Justin), the first Zhang Meiguo single and is expected to be issued in November.

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